Reading aloud as partners is a variation on your usual read aloud activities that has many benefits for your child.
The Best Read Aloud Partner Books:
Are printed in over-sized, simple typefaces. Italics, fine-line, and illustrated letters are difficult to read.
Use some of the words your child is learning.
Illustrate the characters, objects, and actions described in the text.
The Adult Read Aloud Partner:
Lets your child look through the book first.
Gives your child plenty of time to look at and talk about the illustrations before beginning to read.
Explains “I’ll point to the words I’m reading. Watch the words so you can help me read.”
The Benefits of Read Aloud Partners:
Even the youngest beginning readers learn that when you read, you are saying the words printed on the page.
Children learn to scan a line of print smoothly from left to right.
Children who like to memorize words will add new words to their reading vocabularies very easily.
Children who like to “sound out” letters and words have opportunities to practice and use these skills to find and read new words.
All children best remember words they find and read themselves, and words they see and read many times.
Three Read Aloud Partner Ideas:
Simply run your finger under the words as you read.
Stop and let your child read newly learned Matchwords™.
Let your child look for and “read” words that come up in your discussion of the illustrations, using the first letter sound as a clue. Guide your child’s eyes along the lines of text with your finger.